eTenders is Changing

Important Notice to all GRETB Suppliers

***eTenders is Changing***

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has announced that it has selected a new provider for the national tendering service, eTenders.

The national tendering platform, eTenders, will be changing on 15 May 2023.

While both contracting authority and supplier registration details will be transferred to the new platform, users will need to re-input certain details, as well as some additional details, when activating their account on the new platform.

Users can log on and confirm their details to access the platform from 15 May onwards, and new competitions will be published on the platform from 22 May onwards, to allow time for suppliers to make sure that their information is up-to-date, and that they are registered for relevant alerts.

Information for Businesses

If you are a member of a business registered on eTenders, please view the dedicated eTenders updates page for businesses.