Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering (NFQ Level 8)

Coláiste Pobail na Gaillimhe

GRETB Tertiary Degree Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering Adult Learners

Course Overview

The BSc (Hons) in Sustainable Engineering Technologies is delivered over four years in four stages of 60 credits each. Each stage includes taught modules worth either 5 or 10 credits depending on their learning outcomes. In first year, all modules are mandatory.

In second year, students pick a stream, either Manufacturing Industry offered in ATU Galway City or ATU Sligo, or Computing offered in ATU Donegal. 15 credits are mandatory and 45 stream specific. In third year, 20 credits are mandatory and 40 stream specific. In fourth year, 15 credits are mandatory and 45 stream specific.

Work placement is mandatory for all students in Year 3 and all students complete a major project in year 4. As student progress through the programme, the complexity of the systems they are studying increases.

Year 1 based in the following ETB locations:

  • Galway Community College, Galway City

Years 2, 3 & 4 based in the following ATU campuses:

  • ATU Donegal (Sustainable Engineering Technologies for Computing)
  • ATU Galway (Sustainable Engineering Technologies for the Manufacturing Industry)
  • ATU Sligo (Sustainable Engineering Technologies for the Manufacturing Industry)

Course Content – for all years

Year 1

At the end of year 1, they will have hands on skills in manufacturing technologies as well as computer aided design both 2D and 3D. Their knowledge of sustainability will give them an edge when applying for positions in Industry.

Year 2

At the end of year 2, they will have a grasp of the standards and regulations relevant to sustainability, understand the importance to include sustainability as part of product design and recognise the importance of continuous improvement.

In the Manufacturing Industry stream, they will have covered fundamentals of Building Information Modelling, energy technologies, and automation, which will open opportunities to work as a technician either in the manufacturing industry or in building services.

In the computing stream they will have sufficient knowledge of computer hardware, operating system, python scripting, cloud computing and database systems to apply for IT technician roles.

Year 3

At the end of year 3, in the Manufacturing Industry stream, they will have sufficient knowledge in manufacturing systems to be part of the decision- making process for process design or improvement, and therefore, apply for the higher technician roles. In the computing stream, they will be able to be part of the design of computing systems with knowledge in data ethics, cybersecurity and energy consumption. Work placement is mandatory for all students.

Year 4

At the end of year 4, their profile should allow them to work at enterprise level where they will be part of the decision-making team in relation to issues relating to sustainable development goals.

Accreditation and Step Back Awards

This programme and all embedded exit awards are accredited by Atlantic Technological University (ATU).

Exit awards are embedded upon successful completion of each stage:

  • Year 1 – Certificate in Sustainable Engineering
  • Year 2 – Higher Certificate in Sustainable Engineering
  • Year 3 – Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Engineering Technologies

Planned intake (number of places)

20 places per location

Entry requirements and eligibility

Leaving Certificate – Grade O6/H7 or better in five Leaving Certificate subjects. Leaving Certificate must include English or Irish and Mathematics.  Maths at minimum of O6 is acceptable to meet the minimum Maths entry requirement. Irish at F2 is acceptable to meet the minimum language requirements.

(UK and EU equivalents will be considered)

A Full level 5/6 QQI award including a maths module (5N1833, 6N3395, 5N18396, 5N0556 or 5S2246) or O6 in Leaving Cert Maths

Mature applicants – (aged 23 on or before 1st January of the course commencement year).  These applicants do not have to meet the minimum entry requirements listed here and are considered on an individual basis (previous education, work experience, and demonstration of competence to undertake the programme)

Access programme (LCA students can gain access to this programme following completion of an access programme)

An applicant who is a minimum of 17 years of age with at least 2 years post Junior Certificate relevant experience.  All applicants must demonstrate that they would qualify for the special rate of maintenance grant under the Student Grant Scheme (SUSI) and/or are in receipt of a Department of Social Protection (DSP) long-term means-tested social welfare payment and/or be from one or more of the priority groups or from any priority group identified as part of the next National Access Plan (2022-2028). See Appendix B.

International equivalents will be considered.

Applicants must demonstrate competence to undertake the programme.

Onward pathways

Graduates may enter careers in a variety of settings & functions such as: Start Ups, IT, Food Industry, Engineering, Construction, Pharma, Medical Technology. Procurement, Inventory, Design, Design and Planning, Commercial Contracts, Compliance, Project management. Production Operator, Plant Controller, Manufacturing Operations, Manufacturing Technologist, Engineering Manager, Manufacturing Technician, Health and Safety Officer. IT Technician, IT support Engineer, IT Risk Specialists, ICT Security Analyst.

Or progress to further post-graduate study.

For further information, please contact us at:
1800 140 242