Galway and Roscommon ETB launches Youth Work Plan 2021-2024
Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board officially launched its Youth Work Plan 2021-2024 on Wednesday the 21 July in Millennium Park, Galway. Mr David Leahy, Chief Executive of GRETB was joined by members of Q Club, Club Shine, Galway Youth Theatre, Youth Work Ireland Galway and Music Generation to celebrate the occasion.

Youth services can play a vital role in a young person’s life, particularly if they are going through a difficult time, a Galway Youth Theatre member explained: “There you can laugh and talk and create something wonderful together. You forge strong relationships instantly and meet future best friends and housemates”.
The Youth Work Plan communicates GRETB’s vision and plans for youth work provision in Galway and Roscommon and is a result of consultation with young people, youth work providers and stakeholders along with research and analysis of existing actions and policies to date. The focus of its goals and actions includes improving access to quality youth services and working to promote the value and importance of youth work in a young person’s life.
Speaking at the launch, David Leahy, Chief Executive of GRETB stated, “We are currently operating in a time of huge challenge and change. Covid has taken a huge toll on young people with the loss of opportunities to meet with their peers, participate in afterschool clubs and hobbies, and have life experiences they would have taken for granted before 2020. More than ever, young people need a friendly space where they can feel safe and be themselves.”

Youth Work is a planned programme of non-formal education designed to support the personal and social development of young people and is carried out in the community by youth work providers.
Funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, GRETB supports 21 staff led youth projects and 108 volunteer led youth clubs in the Galway Roscommon region.
For further information about youth work provision in Galway and Roscommon or for a copy of the plan, please visit or email [email protected]
For follow up to press release, please contact Nicola Kerrigan, [email protected] 086 075 5270.