Public Sector Duty

GRETB Public Sector Duty

What is it?

In Ireland, there’s a law called ‘The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act, Section 42′, which means public bodies like GRETB, when they are implementing or delivering services, must consider the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality, and protect the human rights of staff and learners.

Are part of this Public Sector Duty GRETB have to:

  • Write down the issues related to treating people equally and respecting their rights.
  • Make plans to work on these issues.
  • Share updates every year on how the plan is progressing.

What has GRETB done so far?

The Public Sector Duty and its implementation in GRETB is based on the ‘values’ or ‘beliefs’ of GRETB. These values guide us in working towards equality and human rights. Each value is clearly explained, with a focus on what’s most important and our purpose. By stating these values, we aim to be clear and consistent in how we follow them in GRETB. This statement gives us a plan for putting these values into action as we carry out our responsibilities. GRETB have also conducted an assessment of equality and human rights issues which are relevant to GRETB services and have had this validated by Community and voluntary groups who have experienced exclusion in Galway and Roscommon.

GRETB Process 

  • September 2019 – Galway City LCDC Social Inclusion Group developed and launched an Equality and Human Rights Statement and all members of the LCDC signed up to this statement.
  • October 2019 – GRETB FET piloted the development of an Equality and Human Rights Statement for FET.
  • March 2020 – GRETB formed a working group to develop a statement, assessment of issues and action plan for all functions of GRETB.
  • June 2020 – Values and Statement Agreed.
  • September 2020 – Assessment of Equality and Human rights issues relevant to our role completed.
  • January 2021 – Validation of Human Rights & Equality Issues completed.
  • January 2021 – Action Plan Agreed 2021-2022.
  • January 2022 – Report on implementation in Annual Report & Induction presentation.
  • Ongoing – Working Group Meetings.
  • Ongoing – Training across a range of issues relevant to the Duty.
  • September 2022 – GRETB Strategy Statement 22-26 Assessed.
  • Action Plan 2023-24 – Plain English resources developed.

What are our beliefs and values? How do we make these part of everyday life in GRETB for our learners and staff?

The beliefs are all listed below and each of them has a ‘Statement of Priority’, which means saying what is most important for GRETB, it is like telling everyone what is the top thing we are focused on. The beliefs or values also have a ‘Statement of Process’; this explains how we do things or the steps we will take to get things done.

Our Values


Dignity is all about treating people well. It means being kind, respecting differences, and making sure to protect people’s rights, including their privacy. Treating everyone fairly and without judgment is an important part of dignity.

Statement of Priority: GRETB wants schools/centres to be friendly and welcoming to everyone. We want to show and celebrate the diversity of people in our classrooms, offices, and the way we do things.

Statement of Process: GRETB will treat all students and staff with fairness and respect, understanding and appreciating the differences between them.


Autonomy means being independent and making your own choices. It’s about setting your own limits, having personal space, and having the freedom to decide things for yourself. Autonomy also involves being open to change and supporting the ability to make decisions and be part of the decision-making process. It’s like taking a “bottom-up” approach, where the focus is on individual needs and choices.

Statement of Priority: GRETB wants to give students and staff from different groups as many choices and opportunities as possible.

Statement of Process: GRETB will help students and staff from different groups to express their goals, try out different things, and make informed choices.


Participation means being part of making decisions and holding people accountable. It’s about having the right to speak up, be listened to, and raise concerns. It includes talking openly to create shared ideas, allowing for differences, and finding solutions together.

Statement of Priority: GRETB wants to make sure that students and staff from different groups can have a say in decisions. We will set up ways for them to be part of discussions and share their thoughts openly.

Statement of Process: GRETB will involve students and staff from different groups in decisions that affect their learning or work. We want everyone’s input to be meaningful and valued.


Inclusion means making sure everyone, especially those facing challenges, have the right to take part and succeed as learners, staff, or beneficiaries by getting opportunities to engage with us.

Statement of Priority: GRETB wants to make sure that students and staff from different groups can fully take part in learning and career opportunities.

Statement of Process: GRETB will create opportunities for students and staff from different backgrounds. We will use flexible ways to make sure we know and meet the specific needs of staff and learners.

Social Justice

Social Justice is making sure things are fair and clear when it comes to sharing resources like education, culture, and money. It means taking specific actions to help those who are treated unfairly.

Statement of Priority: GRETB wants to have students and staff from different groups in the organization, and we want to help them achieve good outcomes and feel satisfied with their experiences.

Statement of Process: GRETB will work in a fair and clear way to have a diverse range of learners and staff.  We will also work to create supportive places for learning and work.

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice is about making sure everyone has the right to a clean and safe environment, both now and for the future. It means taking action to address climate change and its effects, especially on groups of people who might face more challenges.

Statement of Priority: GRETB wants to:

  • Make people aware of taking care of the environment.
  • Help students and staff learn how to handle environmental challenges.
  • Make sure our buildings and spaces don’t harm the environment by 2040.

Statement of Process: GRETB will teach students and staff about being environmentally friendly and involve them in activities that help the environment.

Sample actions completed to date:

  1. Public Sector Duty update provided in the GRETB Annual Report.
  2. Presentation on the Public Sector Duty is now part of staff induction in GRETB.
  3. Series of workshops for staff on Equality and Human Rights.
  4. Reviewed GRETB Strategy Statement 2022-2026 against the Public Sector Duty Statement.
  5. Public Sector Duty SharePoint in place.
  6. Accessibility Audit of GRETB Website and Plain English Training for Staff.
GRETB Public Sector Duty

Public Service Duty Statement 2024